Get Involved

Help Create the Immigration Film Fest

Volunteers create, organize and produce the Immigration Film Festival. Tasks run the gamut–here are a few ideas of how you might get involved:

Corporate Fundraising
Are you good at networking? Do you have nonprofit or other fundraising experience? If so, join our team to get started working with prospective sponsors.

Online Crowdfunding
Do you have experience raising funds with Indiegogo or Kickstarter? We could use you.

Do you like to plan and attend events? We could use your abilities to help make sure our  film events run smoothly.

Welcoming and hosting Filmmakers
Do you have a car or an extra room? Volunteers welcome filmmakers and actors who are coming from out of town and may provide them with accommodations.

Marketing and Promotion
Do you have writing and editing skills? To reach filmmakers and filmgoers we need people who can interview and write articles, prepare press releases, draft email announcements and design posters.

If you are interested in helping with any of these requests, please email us at [email protected]. Please include details of your particular interests and expertise and the tasks you could handle.

Our team will be grateful for your interest and support.

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If you are an immigrant looking for specific services or would like to volunteer with an immigrant service organization, please consider these agencies.

All of the organizations listed above will make good use of your donations. Here are others:

Accotink UUC
American Immigration Council
American University Center for Media and Social Impact
Ana Sol Guteirrez
Annapolis Unitarian Universalists
Arlington Independent Media
Busy Graham mailing list
CAIR Coalition
Casa de Maryland
Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Center for the History of the New America
Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching and Service,

Georgetown U.
City of Rockville
Community Ministries of Rockville
CRS Newswire
DC Office of Human Rights
Downtown Cluster of Congregations
Dreamers for Virginia
Empowered Women International
Forward US
Frederick UU Church
Generacion Latina
Georgetown U. BMW Center for German and European Studies
Gilchrest Center
Global Humanities Institute, Montgomery College
Good Shepherd Catholic Church ( Alexandria)
Hispanic Business Foundation
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery County

Immigration Policy Center at the American Immigration Council
Interfaith Community Liaison MC
International Rescue Commission Women’s Refugee Commission
Kay Spiritual Life Center, American U
Labor Film Fest
Machar Congregation of Washington DC (Silver Spring)
Mason Dreamers
Mexican Cultural Institute
Montgomery College (Rockville)
Montgomery College (Silver Spring/Takoma Park)
Mount Vernon Unitarian Church
Office of Human Rights for the District of Columbia
Paint Branch UU Church
Pilgrim Church, United Church of Christ
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation ( Bethesda)
Shoulder to Shoulder
Silver Spring Civic Building
Silver Spring County
Standing on the Side of Love
Taylor Agostino Real Estate Group
The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax
Utopia Festival (Greenbelt)
Ventures in Community
Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO)
Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs (Northern VA)
Washington Ethical Society
Washington Interfaith Network